In today’s competitive market, a logo is more than just a graphic. It’s the face…

Logos and type of logos
If you are starting a new organization or business, you need a solid logo to brand your company. A logo can make a lot of difference in the business. With a logo that is well designed, you can get loyal followers through its memorability and simplicity. You need to be very careful when you choose a logo for your company. It represents the belief, functions and the value of your brand. You need to ensure that all these are taken in consideration before you choose a logo for you. While choosing a logo for you company, you need to keep these question in your mind:
- How will your logo look on the products you sell?
- How does it appear in the marketing and advertising materials
- How the logo will represent your values together.
- What a person will feel when a person see the logo you have chosen (this might sound irrelevant, but you need to be careful when you choose the style, words, shape and color. Science has already proved that some of these items can trigger emotional responses with different individuals)
The logo is the most important part of the business now. Earlier, people never gave too much thought on it. Now, people have realized the importance of it. As logo is one of the first things that a customer notice about your business, getting it right is very important.
The definition of what a logo is still not there. The idea of Logo is different for different people. You cannot expect the same answer from two individuals when you ask them what a logo is. And the funny fact is that all this answers are true about it. And all of them agree about the importance of the logo. There are different types of logos that you can use for your company. We will talk about six different types of logos that you probably come across every day.
1. Icon logo or Symbol logo
This is one of the most powerful logo designs. They represent a company in a bold manner with a very simple design. Most probably, the logo will be an abstract one and will be specially designed to trigger a visual interest in the viewer. All most all the companies that use an Icon/ Symbol logo tends to have the main logo that is too simple and some alternative that will make the logo too flashy. We have a tendency to remember the simple one rather than flashy designs. In case you are starting a large business then it is better for you t to use this type of the logo. Apple, Mercedes-Benz, and Shell are three of the famous companies that use this type of logo.
2. Word Mark Logo
Uniqueness is the main quality of this type of logo. Word Mark Logo will have a uniquely designed text on their logo. Most of the companies will use custom fonts on their logo. And this ensures that their logo cannot be copied by anyone else. Facebook, Sony, and Disney are some of the companies that use this type of logo.
3. Letter Mark logo
Exclusive typography is the specialty of this type of logo. This logo will have a symbol that is made from the initial or first letter of the brand’s name. Usually, the companies with long names or the companies, whose name is difficult to pronounce, or is not distinct enough to stand out on its likes to use this type of logo. This type of a logo will allow this company to express themselves through a graphically illustrated initial. Chanel, General Electric, and Hewlett-Packard are some of the companies that use this logo.
4. Combination Mark Logo
This type of logos uses a combination of word mark and an icon or symbol. This will give extra flexibility for the logo. They use either the Icon or the word mark over their products. If your Combination Mark Logo is well-designed, both element will have the power to represent your brand. You can see this type of logo on Adidas, Sprint, and Hawaiian Airlines.
Emblems are power ways to represent your company and to send a clear message to your competitors. Its ability to encase the company name males it a powerful design. The NFL, Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, and Starbucks are famous for using this chart.
6.Vintage Logo
These logos use the retro styles, tendencies and designs of the past in their logos. These can represent a strong emotional response in the viewer. Jack Daniels is an example of a company that uses this type of logo.